Website Copywriting

Words That Work

Website Copywriting

Why Do You Need a Web Copywriter?

Design hooks the eyes, words hook the mind and persuade people to take action

A good-looking website is useless without good words. Like a Ferrari without an engine: pretty to look at, but won’t get you very far. A web copywriter (yes, that’s me) provides the words that power your online presence. They craft copy that draws the reader in. Answers their questions. And convinces them that the only sensible next step is to buy (whatever it is you’re selling).

You might need web copy for a new website, or a new page on an existing site. Maybe the content you’ve already published needs a refresh. In which case editing or rewriting is the answer. Whatever your websitecopywriting requirements are,
I can help.

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Content Writer vs. Copywriter: What’s the Difference?

Strictly speaking, copywriting is different from content writing. In large agencies, they are often separate disciplines. I’m a generalist, I do both, so you needn’t worry too much about that. I often use the words ‘copy’ and ‘content’ interchangeably. They’re both familiar words, so why not? Splitting hairs won’t help you enhance your online presence or improve your marketing communications. If you want to know more this article is fantastic – Content Writer vs. Copywriter: What’s the Difference?

A Web Copywriter Knows What Works Online

What works in print won’t work for the web. Online you have only a few seconds to grab a reader’s attention. Waffle and they’re gone. Your website copy has to be free of buzzwords with succinct, easily scannable paragraphs in the right tone for your target audience. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) makes sure search engines like Google and Yahoo know what your website is about and rank it higher.

Sounds simple, right? In the rights hands, it is. Keeping on top of Google and other search engines ever-evolving algorithms is almost a full-time job. But if you want your site to rank highly, the most important thing is to include only well-written, useful content.

On the page, your headers need to be optimised with relevant keywords. Behind the scenes, your metadata (what is website metadata?) need the same treatment. Investing in SEO website copywriting services will help you overcome all these hurdles.

Empathise With Your Customers

When a customer comes to you with a query or problem, what do you do? Bombard them with bucketloads of information about your product or service? I doubt it. I imagine you sit back and listen. Once you understand what they need then you can respond accordingly.

Good copy does the same. It throws its arm around the reader and says, “I get it. Here’s what we’re going to do.”

Forget the nuts and bolts of your service for a minute. Too many companies’ websites are bogged down in the kind of detail few customers really care about. That’s not to say details aren’t important. They are. But you have to choose the right ones. And it’s usually best not to lead with them.

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How Do You Make Their Lives Better?

How do you make a connection with an anonymous surfer, assuming they’ve found your website? Well, you need to have a strong grasp of exactly how your product or service can make their life better. Does it save them time or money? Take an onerous task off their hands? Provide specialist expertise they can’t find anywhere else?

Your customers are the best source of this information. Their testimonials, reviews and feedback will help you pinpoint the things they love about what you do. This intelligence forms the backbone of effective web copy.

From introspective to customer-focused: it’s a subtle but important shift. A copywriter manages this transition, resulting in clearer, more persuasive web content. When your web pages are packed with useful information, readers are more inclined to trust your company and want to buy from it. Useful content is more likely to get shared on social media too. Either by you, because you’re just so proud of your shiny new words. Or by readers, who want to show off their knowledge and help others in the process.

Do You Need a Web Designer? I Can Put You in Touch

Imagine the following scenario. Your existing website has served you well, but now it’s time to present a fresh face to the world. You want a full design and content upgrade that reflects your experience and expertise. A slick and sophisticated package that encourages new customers to pick up the phone.

A freelance website copywriter and a designer working in partnership can deliver just that. They scrutinise the brief to get a deep understanding of your business. They find out what makes your customers tick. Then they use this insight to create compelling copy and stunning visuals. The result? A website that expresses the personality of your business and attracts customers.

The Internet Doesn’t Stand Still – Neither Should You

Upgrading and updating your online presence is a fact of life these days. Websites quickly become stale. Fresh content allows you to stay relevant, reach new clients and expand in your market. An experienced web copywriter can help you to communicate your message with precision and clarity and make sure your business continues to thrive.

Get in touch today to discuss your project and get a free quote.


Website Copywriting Examples

The Great House — Web Copywriting & Tone of Voice Development

The Great House — Web Copywriting & Tone of Voice Development

Fabrik Brands SEO Copywriting

Fabrik Brands SEO Copywriting

FitXR Tone of Voice Development and Copywriting

FitXR Tone of Voice Development and Copywriting

The Bear Kitchen – Web, Flyer and Poster Copywriting

The Bear Kitchen – Web, Flyer and Poster Copywriting

The Flower Appreciation Society

The Flower Appreciation Society

Adidas Copywriting

Adidas Copywriting